Public Engagement
Seminars 13-01-2014 Fulbrigh Scholarships And GRE, TOFEL Orientation/ Seminar by UNISEF 15-05-2014 Act IV of 2010 for Protection against Harassment of Women at the Workplace 14-08-2014 68th Independence day Celebrations 14-09-2014 Anti Dengue Day. Conferences 07 - 09 Mar, 2014 AEME Conference 2014 21 - 22 Mar, 2014 International Conference of Anatomists 26 - 27 Apr, 2014 2nd National Conference of PAME, 2014 29-05-2014 International Symposium on Molecular Forensic Emerging Trends. 20 - 22 Nov, 2014 International Conference on Simulations, Simulated and Standardized Patients in Health Professional' Education 24-26 Nov, 2014 1st Joint PAP/RCPath/AMP Conference on Molecular Pathology Lahore 15-17 Dec, 2014 4th International Symposium on Biomedical Materials: Translation Research and Commercialization 20-21 Nov, 2014 2nd Annual Renal Conference held at Fatima Memorial College of Medicine & Dentistry Workshops 25th Jan, 2014 Continuous Professional Development 13th Feb, 2014 Grant Writing Skills 20-21 Feb, 2014 Promoting Primary Care Research Through Family Dotors 22nd Feb, 2014 Continuous Professional Development 18th March, 2014 at Chughtais Lahore, Lab Prostate, from Biopsy to Resection-Standardized Practical Approach 29th March, 2014 Continuous Professional Development 13-05-2014 The Art of Writing Fund Winning Research Proposals 24-10-2014 Advance Biostatistics, Questionnaire Validation, Scientific Writing & Research Methodology 25-26/10/2014 1st Annual Conference of Pak Association for Dental Research 27th October, 2014 Diagnostic Head & Neck Pathology 31st December, 2014 A Practical Approach to Gastrointestinal & Liver Pathology 16 November, 2015 (FMH) "Renal Pathology symposium" 17 November, 2015 (UHS) "Genitourinary Pathology-interactive case discussions" 5-7 October 2015 (UHS) "Gastrointestinal and liver pathology" 25, 26 May, 2016 (Chugtai Lab, shalimar tower hotel, jail road) "Workshop on Lymphomas" International workshop on "Pathology Updates: Recent Diagnostic Approaches to Surgical Pathology" Facilitator: Prof. Sania Shuja. Clinical Professor of Pathology University of Washington Seattle, WA, USA. International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases (ICNMD 2018) to be held at Vienna, Austria, from July 6 - 10, 2018. Attendee: Nadia naseem. Congenital muscle dystrophies - analysis using clinical phenotypes and complete immunohistochemical panel Joint IAOP & AAOMP meeting held at Vancouver Canada from June 23-28, 2018. Attendee: Rabia Safdar- Role of Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 & 14 in Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Head And Neck & Basal Cell Carcinoma. Health Asia - 2018 held from Apr 11-12, Lahore Basic Techniques in Forensic Pathology - Hands on Training. April 25-27, 2018 Facilitator: Dr. Waseem Haider. Dr Nadia Naseem Immunocytochemistry- Hands on Training Facilitator: Dr. Nadia Naseem. Miss Faiza Shabbir WORKSHOPS / SYMPOSIA ORGANIZED BY THE DEPARTMENT 1. Dermatopathology Workshop by Prof. Anwar ul Haq held at University of Health Sciences Lahore Pakistan in collaboration with Pakistan Association of Pathologists, December 2006. 2. International Workshop on "Diagnostic Head & Neck Pathology" in collaboration with 1st Annual Conference of Pak Association for Dental Research (IADR Pakistan Section) 23-24-27 October, 2014 Facilitator: Dr. Richard Allibone, Head and Neck Pathologist, University of Nottingham UK Facilitator: Dr. Saba Yasir (Senior Consultant Pathologist, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, USA) 4. Lectures and Slide seminars by Foreign Faculty 5. International workshop on "Gastrointestinal & LiverPathology- Diagnostic Challenges & Recent Advances"15-17 September, 2015. 11CME Hours Facilitator: Dr. Saba Yasir. Seniour Consultant Pathologist, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, USA 6. Seminar on "Genitourinary Pathology - Interactive Case Discussions" 17th November, 2015. 3CME Hours Facilitator: Prof. Muhammad Akhtar. Consultant Pathologist. King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, Riyadh, KSA. 7. THREE DAYS WORKSHOP ON "Basic Techniques in Forensic Pathology" 25th to 27th April, 2018 15 CME Hours , 8. "Muscle Biopsy - The Known Unknowns and the Unknown Knowns". AIMCON 2019 Preconference Workshop held at Allama Iqbal Medical College Lahore on December 18, 2018. 9. "Muscle Biopsy - Role in Diagnosis and Management". Seminar at Chughtai Postgraduate Institute, Lahore on May 24, 2018. 10. Workshop on "Medley of Surgical Pathology Cases: A Diagnostic Challenge" 2nd November - 4th November, 2019. 11. Squamous Cell Carcinoma assessment and neck dissection by Prof. Nadia Naseem (UHS) at University of Health Sciences Lahore in collaboration with IADR Annual conference. October 3, 2019. 12. Workshop on training of Biomedica Editorial Board. Held at University of Health Sciences Lahore from 26-27 July, 2019. A: Teaching/ Lecture Schedule & Lab Work Teaching: . . Teaching and training the undergraduate / post graduate MBBS /M.Phil students in didactic as well as diagnostic components of 'Morbid Anatomy and Histopathology' . Teaching 'General Pathology' to the post graduate M.Phil students. . Training of postgraduate M.Phil/PhD students in writing research projects /thesis and practically conducting the research work. . Teaching and training the post graduate M.Phil students of Histotechnology and Cytotechnology in didactic, practical as well as research components . Teaching 'Pathophysiology' to the post graduate MSc. Nursing students Teaching Hours: M. PHIL Departmental Activities Total Hours Special Pathology Lectures 04 per week=96 Grossing 05 per week= 120 Slide Session 04 per week= 96 Pathophysiology Lectures 02 per week= 48 Oral Pathology Lectures 01 per week=24 Ph. D Lectures 02 per week =48 A: Teaching/ Lecture Schedule & Lab Work Hours M. PHIL/ MLS Histopathology, Histotechnology, Cytotechnology, Nursing Departmental Activities Total hour General Pathology Lectures 02 per week= 48 Special Pathology Lectures 05 per week= 120 Grossing 05 per week= 120 Slide Session 04 per week=96 Cytotechnology Lectures 04 per week=96 Histotechnology Lectures 04 per week=96 Laboratory Work 10hrs/week Pathophysiology Lectures 02 per week= 48 Oral Pathology Lectures 01 per week=24 Ph. D Lectures 02 per week =48 � Lab. Work grant of related project in progress. � Collaboration for Teaching/ training with Pathology department of LMDC Lahore for Bone, Joints, Soft Tissues pathology. FUNDS ISSUED TO RESEARCH PROJECTS Project: 01 Surgical Adjuvant Intralesional Cytokines Versus Steriods Hypertrophic Scars and Keloids Funding Agency: Higher Education Commission Amount: Rs: 55, 53,000/ Date of Approval: 28.12.2010 Project: 02 Role of Genetics and Immune Mechanism in the Pathogenesis of Diabetic Retinopathy Funding Agency: Higher Education Commission Amount: Rs: 1,002,800/= Date of Approval: 12-07-2010 Project: 03 Correlation of Mast Cells and Microvascular Density in Oro- Facial Neolpasms Funding Agency: Pakistan Medical Research Council Amount:Rs: 6 Date of Approval: 04-08-2011 Project: 04 Assessment of various human papillomavirus genotypes in cervical specimens of normal, high risk and women with sexually transmitted infections in Punjab. Funding Agency:Higher Education Commission (Project No:1856-NRPU) Amount:Rs: 1,495,739/- Date of Approval: 29-07-2011 Project: 05 Kras Oncogenic Mutation Pattern in Pakistani Patients Presenting with Colorectal Carcinoma in a Northern Tertiary Referral Centre Funding Agency: Higher Education Commission Amount: Rs: 1,648,999/= Date of Approval: 29-06-2012 Project: 06 Effects of Cadmium Chloride on Kidney of Rats Funding Agency: Higher Education Commission Amount:Rs: 482,119/ Date of Approval: 03-07-2013 Project: 07 HEC approved project under Applied Problem Based inter-disciplinary programme 2017 titled "Clinical and Molecular Characterization of Common Cancers in Pakistan" (Project No: 201APBIDP, 2017) Principal Investigator: Dr. Nadia Naseem Amount: 40.5 Million Date of approval: June 2017 Project: 08 HEC approved project under NRPU 2017 titled "Screening and Molecular Characterization of Viral infections in oral cancers in local papulation" (Project No: 8995) Principal Investigator: Dr. Nadia Naseem Amount: 5.4 Million Date of approval: March 2019SEMINARS, WORKSHOPS, CONFERENCES ATTENDED