1. To ensure the training of medical/dental students in BIO-PSYCHOSOCIAL MODEL of health care.
2. To equip the medical/dental student in the use of behavioral sciences principles to enhance his learning skills and help him become an active learner.
3. To train the medical/dental student in the art and science of effective communication with patients and their families
4. To create a sensitivity and understanding of the psychosocial aspects of health.
5. To inculcate highest standards of medical/dental ethics and character-building drawing from the rich medical/dental, cultural and religious heritage.
General Learning Objectives
At the end of training in Behavioural Sciences the medical/dental student should be able to:
1. Use BIO-PSYCHO-SOCIAL MODEL in his clinical work.
2. Integrate knowledge of behavioural sciences with medical/dental sciences in his clinical training and future practice.
3. Use principles of behavioural sciences in his own learning and in his/her communication with the patients and their families.
4. Use principles of behavioural sciences to enhance his own learning skills.
5. Exhibit highest standards of medical/dental ethics and character in his interaction with teachers, colleagues, patients, their families, and society at large.